Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Michigan jumps into the Pay for Performance fray

Michigan seems poised to join Minnesota and Colorado in using pay increases tied to school level performance as an incentive for teachers. As the reporter notes this comes in the wake of an announcement by the Bush Administration to provide $500 million in supplemental funds to support pay for performance plans. It looks like value-added evaluation capacity might be a highly sought set of skills.



Anonymous said...

Actually, the Teacher Incentive Fund was whittled down to $99m.

See here.

Chris Thorn said...

Yeah. I had read that. I just spaced it when I posted this entry. We are actually going to joining one of the bids for providing technical assistance to recipients of these funds. I've got some concerns about the ethical considerations in some plans I've seen. I guess I'd rather be providing technical assistance to make them as high quality and as fair as I can.
